The order difference interval graph of a group

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, tirunelveli

2 Department of Mathematics Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli 627 012, Tamil Nadu, India.


‎‎In this paper we introduce the concept of order difference interval graph $\Gamma_{ODI}(G)$ of a group $G$‎. ‎It is a graph $\Gamma_{ODI}(G)$ with $V(\Gamma_{ODI}(G)) = G$ and two vertices $a$ and $b$ are adjacent in $\Gamma_{ODI}(G)$ if and only if $o(b)-o(a) \in [o(a)‎, ‎o(b)]$‎. ‎Without loss of generality‎, ‎we assume that $o(a) \leq o(b)$‎. ‎In this paper we obtain several properties of $\Gamma_{ODI}(G)$‎, ‎upper bounds on the number of edges of $\Gamma_{ODI}(G)$ and determine those groups whose order difference interval graph is isomorphic to a complete multipartite graph‎.


Main Subjects

T. M. Apostol (1998). Introduction to Analytic number theory. Narosa Publishing house, New Delhi. F. Harary (1969). Graph Theory. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. I. N. Herstein (2003). Topics in Algebra. Second edition, John Wiley \& Sons. M. Sattanathan and R. Kala (2009). An Introduction to Order Prime Graph. nt. J. Contemp. Math. Sci.. 4 (10), 467-474