Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple graph of order $n$ and size $m$. An $r$-matching of $G$ is a set of $r$ edges of $G$ which no two of them have common vertex. The Hosoya index $Z(G)$ of a graph $G$ is defined as the total number of its matchings. An independent set of $G$ is a set of vertices where no two vertices are adjacent. The
Merrifield-Simmons index of $G$ is defined as the total number of the independent sets of $G$. In this paper we obtain Hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices of corona of some graphs.
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Reyhani, M. Hossein , Alikhani, S. and Iranmanesh, M. Ali (2012). Hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices of some classes of corona of two graphs. Transactions on Combinatorics, 1(4), 1-7. doi: 10.22108/toc.2012.1946
Reyhani, M. Hossein, , Alikhani, S. , and Iranmanesh, M. Ali. "Hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices of some classes of corona of two graphs", Transactions on Combinatorics, 1, 4, 2012, 1-7. doi: 10.22108/toc.2012.1946
Reyhani, M. Hossein, Alikhani, S., Iranmanesh, M. Ali (2012). 'Hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices of some classes of corona of two graphs', Transactions on Combinatorics, 1(4), pp. 1-7. doi: 10.22108/toc.2012.1946
M. Hossein Reyhani , S. Alikhani and M. Ali Iranmanesh, "Hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices of some classes of corona of two graphs," Transactions on Combinatorics, 1 4 (2012): 1-7, doi: 10.22108/toc.2012.1946
Reyhani, M. Hossein, Alikhani, S., Iranmanesh, M. Ali Hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices of some classes of corona of two graphs. Transactions on Combinatorics, 2012; 1(4): 1-7. doi: 10.22108/toc.2012.1946