A family of $t$-regular ‎self-complementary $k$-hypergraphs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of zanjan

2 Department of Mathematics, University of Zanjan


We use the recursive method of construction large sets of t-designs given by Qiu-rong Wu [A note on extending t-designs‎, Australas‎. ‎J‎. ‎Combin.‎, 4 (1991) 229--235.], and present a similar method for constructing $t$-subset-regular‎ ‎self-complementary $k$-uniform hypergraphs of order $v$‎. ‎As an‎ ‎application we show the existence of a new family of $2$-subset-regular‎ ‎self-complementary $4$-uniform hypergraphs with $v=16m+3$‎.


Main Subjects

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